a green and yellow equal sign with the word equal

Safety + Security

You must be vigilant with money.

The modern world is filled with scammers that work hard to defraud individuals and companies.

The best security is a partnership between customers, company, and the laws.


Product Description

a hallway with a lot of gold

Equal= is Designed for Security

1) All customer communications (messages and phone) are exclusively on WhatsApp.

2) Equal= is verified business on WhatsApp βœ…

3) Equal= customer service agents will only message or call you from a verified WhatsApp account number.

4) Equal= will never message you on social media, all customer service happens on WhatsApp.

5) All Send and Withdrawal transactions require confirmation on WhatsApp using your secret Pin.

Avoid Common Scams:

🚩 We will NEVER send you a link to a form asking for personal details.

🚩🚩 Do not click these links or enter any personal details.

🚩 Equal= agents will NEVER ask for your Pin.

🚩 Equal= will NEVER, ask you to send money to enter a contest.

🚩 Always check the phone number before communicating to make sure it’s Equals verified business account.

🚩 Comments and DM’s on social media are 99.99% scams.

🚩🚩 Any offer to double your money or earn a large reward is a scam.

🚩🚩 Contact Equal on WhatsApp if you are suspicious or unsure.

To open an account, everyone must have:

- Valid Passport

- Unique WhatsApp phone number

- Verified email address

- A clear selfie verified by AI

🚩 These requirements work together to make it harder for scammers.

🚩🚩 You must be aware and vigilant before you send money.

Launching soon

Get Equal=

Customer Care

on WhatsApp